Letters To The Manor-House GreyWing has received many e-mails regarding Wicca or this web site. She has decided to post a few on these pages and will add others as they come in, separating them in categories as necessary. No names of the writers will be used. Anonymity is assured. Q.Please make it easier to find spells. And: Q.I am so interested in wicca and I was wondering if you could send me some basics and spells. I only do white magic. I have been doing wicca for a year now and I thought maybe you could help me be better. I am looking for anything. And: Q.I was just wondering if you have any spells like truth spells, or spirit spells, or links to some. A.The main focus of the Manor-House for Wiccan Studies is spirituality. There are many web sites that focus on spells, the Manor-House does not need to cover that territory. Please do not ask GreyWing to send you spells. Q.I need to know if a herb called "lorassium" actually exists. Hopefully it does, anyway if it does not I`m looking for a spell or a herb collection which can help open my third eye. My dreams are very important to me and I feel that they are beginning to slip away, just as they are warning me of a hidden enemy. I need to find my psychic side soon. I am in desperate need of help. A.The original answer to this one was lost. GreyWing is always a little suspicious when the phrase "does it actually exists" appears in a message. Most likely someone has been playing a role playing game or reading sci fi and something like this comes up. GreyWing did a web search on "lorassium" and found it refered to in David Gemmel's sci fi book "Hero in the Shadows". Q.I am 16 and I am on the path to learn to be a wiccan. I know many people my age say they want to and do it cause of the "magick" but i am very serious about my chosen path. I need someone, however, to teach me. I would much appreciate any help you could give me in getting on the right path. A.You sound quite mature for being 16. Most teens want to be the kind of witches they see on tv. They ask for spells for beauty, love and revenge, and want to levitate. The thing is, GreyWing is not a teacher, and your being underage, it is generally understood by community law that you are under your parents care and subject to their wishes. You did not say whether they approve or not but if they do not they are only looking out for your best interest. The only help GreyWing can give now is read all you can. A good place to start is Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. It gives a good history of wicca and paganism in general, and Paganism Today by Graham Harvey has a great section on Wicca. Read, read, read. You will find not all books are good ones. As you read more you will be able to pick through the info and find what is true for you. Some authors are getting away from the spirituality and writing spell books, becoming way too commercial, in my opinion. Read Wiccan/Pagan, general spirituality, world mythology. Note: GreyWing does not consider herself a teacher. She will answer all questions sent to the Manor-House site, but does not conduct classes. Q>HELP! I need you to help me answer this question, P L E A S E? Well...I cant find an empty Black book for my Book of Shadows. Is there a place I can go in my home area (location removed) or an internet web site I can visit? A.If you are looking for a empty black book, try a stationary shop or bookstore. They usually carry blank books for journals. If you are looking for a fancy leather bound BOS, a search on the web of "New Age" or Occult shops will be helpful to you. Q.Is it possible that you can put dates and times of any meetings or up coming events if there are any and where they are taking place? A.GreyWing does not have a source for event listings. Q.Why did you spell magic two different ways? Why do people sometimes spell it with a k? I was told that a book about magic that spells magic "magick" wouldn't work. What are your thoughts on that? A.Spelling magic with a "k" came into vogue in the time of Aleister Crowley. He was a ceremonial magician (or Magickian.) It is a way to differentiate between that kind of magic and a stage magician like, oh, David Copperfield. It does not matter how it is spelled. There is no reason why magick, would not work. Q.I am interested in studying Wicca and Magick but my parents are not open to the idea. Actually I have not told them, because I am afraid of their reaction. I borrowed a book about modern Wicca from a friend but it didn't go into detail. How can I put these rituals (which I know little about) without offending my parents religious beliefs? A.If you are under 18 you are subject to your parents rules. And the laws are on their side. They are looking out for what they believe is your best interest. Do not hide your intentions from your parents. If your parents are not open to the idea of your practicing, let them know you are interested in Wicca and plan to learn. Explain what it is. If they do not wish you to do so till you are of age, then so it is. It is better to be honest with you parents and do not sneak around. Q.I was wondering, do you have a love purifying spell? If you don't, do you know where I can get one? Also, in the eye color changing spell, if you stop a little early, will it only be changed in the center of your eye? It happened to me and i want to know if i was just seeing things. A.You should be able to find a love purifying spell in the many books written on the subject. You do know that the eye color change will be only visible to you and not the people around you. In any type of "glamour" spell the effect is psychological, it is an attempt to fool the brain. No one else will see it, unless they are with you at the time and they also psyched into seeing it. Q.Ever since I was little I wondered what it would be like to be a witch. Now that I have gotten older I wonder a lot more, if maybe I could be a witch and not know it, I think I might show signs of being one. I can tell when the phone is getting ready to ring, I almost always know what my friends are thinking, and the other night some of my friends and I did "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and we picked someone up to the ceiling. A.Being a witch in Wicca is not all magick. If that is all you are interested in you may want to investigate ceremonial magick or folk magick. These arts do not consider spirituality as an important component. You may have some psychic ability that should be investigated, but that is a totally different subject. Wicca is about a connection with the Earth and all creatures on it. A feeling of knowing that we are the caretakers of this planet. Magick spells are only a part of it, and depending on the witch, it may be quite a small part. The "light as a feather" thing is movie magic done with a camera. The movies still have not got it right. And TV is even worse. The show "Charmed" is extremely silly. The paths of Wicca and Ceremonial magick are different. I wish you light on which ever path you choose. Q.Please let me know if you hold Wicca courses or internships at the Manor-House. If you do, please send me all available information. A.Sorry, the Manor-House is on-line only. Q.I was wondering where you got the music for your site from, especially the music on the index page. A.People just love the index music. It is from an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The piece is titled "Orchestral Suite from Inner Light." All music credits will be found on the first page of each section on the Manor-House site.